CoachTeam Group Coaching Services

CoachTeam is a new, patent-pending Group Life Coaching program offered in small groups in my office.  It’s different from traditional group psychotherapy (though it uses some of these concepts, as I am a licensed psychotherapist) in that there is a focus on short-term and long-term ATTAINABLE goals. 

Based on the concepts of mutual support, mutual challenge, team-building, and group cohesion found on sports teams and their related coaching, you actively participate inside group sessions, and outside between sessions, working on your professional and personal goals. 

Historically, great business tycoons such as Henry Ford and William Firestone participated in high-level “Mastermind Groups”, as described in motivational speaker Jack Canfield’s classic book, The Success Principles.  It is a little-known fact that these great tycoons would gather together regularly to offer their mutual ideas, support, information, and resources, to help each other thrive to grand measures in business and amassing fortunes unparalleled in American history.  While you don’t have to be a national business tycoon, harnessing the power of group information, support, and resources can help YOU be the “CEO” of your own life.

What are you trying to achieve?  A change in your career?  Growth in your career?  Increased income?  Further education or skills?  Improved work/home balance?  A transformed body?  Improved social life?  More active civic life?  Better relationships with a partner, children, parents, or co-workers?  A better car, home, or lifestyle?  More fulfillment, spirituality, and civic meaning?  These are just a few of the topics that are fair game for getting support for, and in turn giving support to others.

There is power in groups.  The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.  Together, for a SMALL group of highly DEDICATED and committed people, CoachTeam can change your life.

Scared?  Good; you should be.  This is hard work.  It’s also about confronting and breaking through the barriers you have to taking responsibility for your life and actually making the scary — but very rewarding — changes in your life that you’ve probably been desiring for a long time.  The investment for membership in CoachTeam is $75 per 90-minute session, and includes various handout materials during some sessions. 

If you feel like CoachTeam might be for you, send me an email at, or call me at 310-726-4357, for information on when the next group section time for CoachTeam will be forming.  I will keep a Waiting List, and when we have a critical mass (usually about 5 people), we will start a new group time, or perhaps you can fit into an existing group in progress.

“Clear Eyes – Full Hearts — Can’t Lose!”

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